A downloadable asset pack

Buy Now$1.09 USD or more

The strong, tall sheriff is a staple in any western game.  This asset perfectly fills this need for any 2-D Game!  It includes standing and moving animations for the sheriff, as well as two guns for him to use, a repeater rifle and an elephant rifle, each with their own unique firing animations!  This asset works great on its own, but it works even better with other assets in the western series I am working on.  All sprites are under 32 by 32.

Game I made showcasing assets:  https://ho88it.itch.io/path-of-the-gunslinger


Buy Now$1.09 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.09 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Sheriff.zip 6.3 kB


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i love your work very great

you are really talented

so can i us this in commercial game and i will of course credit you thanks

yeah I don't mind if you do that.  I’d love to see the game when it’s done.  Also more assets are coming whenever I get a chance to upload them.

thanks a lot man and i will wait for more from you

awesome thank you very much